<aside> 💡 A resume is generally your first gateway into the company. Here is a guide to improve your resume and get help from us.
At HelloPM we offer resume reviews for all candidates, the process to claim the same is as follows:
Step 1: Go through this checklist, and make primary changes.
Step 2: Post your resume after primary changes in the #resume-reviews channel on Slack.
Step 3: Our seasoned mentors will look at your resume to suggest improvements.
Step 4: If you think there is more room for optimisation or are stuck anywhere, feel free to reach out to us here. We will do an expert 1:1 review of the resume.
This resume guide contains best practices, and a few examples of resumes to use as templates.
Shorter the better
Format & Examples
Articulating Experience
Certifications, Extra-curriculars, and Portfolio